Pagi-pagi buta lepas breakfast, we head straight to Alhambra. Happy sgt pergi alhambra sbb sgt cantik. Mcm tak terkata. We paid 12 EURO each for Alhambra General which covers full access to all visitable areas of the Alhambra and Generalife site. The first section we went into was Nasrid Palaces. There are three Nasrid palaces, from different periods.
- Mexuar Palace (Ismail I and Muhammad V; 1362 -1391)
- Comares Palace (Yusuf I; 1333 - 1352 and Muhammad V;1362 - 1391)
- Palace of Lions (Muhammad V; 1362 - 1391)
Palace of the Lions |
Next was Generalife. The Generalife area includes the lower gardens, the Generalife Palace and the upper gardens. It was constructed as the leisure area of the Granadan monarchs, where they escaped from the official routine.
The lower garden of Generalife |
Next to the Generalife, I was once again amazed by the architectural idea of La Escalera del Aqua. It is a stairway with channels made from inverted roof tiles at hand height at either side, constantly carrying water from the Royal Water Channel.
The Generalife Palace |
Before leaving the Alhambra, we visited the final section of our tour i.e. Partal. The Partal area includes the portico of the Partal Palace, the gardens, the Rauda, the Palace of Yusuf III and the Paseo de las Torres along several towers.
The Partal |
Gembira lah aku berposing dan mengambil gambar.
Sesampainya di cordoba, kitorg pon check in at hostal el triunfo located btol2 belakang mezquita. Kitorg mcm blur2 nak jalan sebab x de nama jalan. Tp, ttba jumpa sorg pakcik ni, so die la jd tour guide kitorg. Tkebil2 la nak faham die ckp pe, but alhamdulillah boleh gak faham. So we now know a little bit about the history.
Minaret yang dahulunya digunakan oleh muazin untuk melaungkan azan. The original minaret has been covered with outer bricks by Christian architect after the Muslims surrendered the city |
Apparently, mezquita yg ada skang ni mmg lain gila dr yg asal, much smaller and more christianity. Suppose ade minarette ntok azan, tp menara asal tu dicover oleh lg satu lapisan n dorg letak bell. Ada 3 architect ntok that famous mezquita. Mezquita yg dahulunya besar, sekarang kecil when christians took over the place. Quarter of the roman pillars yg the muslims built dulu, kena buang and the locals took it for their home and shops. Banyak la nampak roman pillars kat mana2 tadi.
The roman pillar |
Pak cik tu ada gak sebut pasal jewish quarter and muslim quarter. So ade la a few tugu of both scholars. Kitorg siap masuk university kat cordoba kot td so pak cik tu kata mula2 building tu sekolah, then hospital masa war, bila ade new government, jadilah universiti...
Inside the Mezquita |
Ada byk history pasal cordoba ni rupanya. Ingat pakcik tu org gila sbb most of the shop owners seem to know him and even bg discount 10percent kat kitorg. Best la pak cik tu and rasa terhutang budi ngan pak cik tu. The real tourist guide from cordoba.
Mezquita from far |
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