Wednesday 17 December 2014

Double Masters? What??? Would it be possible for me to handle?

I clearly remember the day I submitted my MEng research project report to the office. I swore that I would not be going to study anymore and I would not practise as an engineer.

And now, believe it or not, I have been studying another course of engineering since the past two weeks. That means I still have 17 months and two weeks more to go. True, Allah is the best planner.
If before, I took chemical engineering degree program, I am currently reading a totally new course which is drilling engineering at master level. The pressure is overburden since most of oil and gas companies profiting on malay basin look up on us. This is first time that such a course being taught formally in university. Most of the drilling engineers in current practice only have on job training program scheduled by the company. For us, they try to instill the foundation of drilling before transferring us for real practice.

2014 has passed. The new day of 2015 just arrived. Let bygones be bygones. Though there are up and down in 2014, I cherish them all. Everything happens for a reason. I am not going to let those bygones disturbing my future. The memories, I will keep it safe in my mind.

2015, treats me better, okay? I want a first class for my master. I wish to find a good potential husband. I want the opportunity to bring my parents for hajj and my family for umrah. I wish everyone I loved to have good health and fortunes. And I wish an end to the world war, please get the rights on track.

Ya Allah, guide me to love you endlessly.