Saturday 17 November 2012

I define beauty through my lens. It shows my angle of perspective.

ALLAH berikan aku sepasang mata.
Untuk aku melihat dunia ini
Sebagai kamera kepada kehidupanku

ALLAH berikan aku sepasang mata
Bagi aku menilai yang mana baik dan yang mana buruk
Dia mengujiku dengan segala macam nikmat
Untuk melihat caraku melihat nikmat-Nya

ALLAH bagi aku sepasang mata
Untuk aku belajar
Mengejar impian dan harapan
Yang sudah menantiku di hadapan sana

ALLAH bagi aku sepasang mata
Bukanlah untuk berfoya-foya
Bukan untuk dipersia
Bukan untuk membuat durja

Peliharalah mataku YA ALLAH
Sebagai mana nilainya nikmat-Mu ini kepadaku
Peliharah mataku YA ALLAH
Supaya aku dapat melihat kebenaran dan menolak kebatilan
Peliharalah mataku YA ALLAH
Supaya aku dapat melihat dan menghargai keindahan ciptaan-Mu
Peliharalah mataku YA ALLAH
Supaya aku dapat bertemu-Mu di syurga tertinggi-Mu

Amin... Ya Rabbal 'Alamin...

Friday 16 November 2012

If you don't want to commit to something, please don't do it at all. You're just disappointing the other party when you show no interest in it.

Setia diriku melakukannya
Mengapa tidak engkau?
Bantuku selayaknya
Untuk aku membantumu sebiasanya

Sejujurnya ku merasakan tidak adil
Untuk engkau mencurahkan segala beban ke atasku
Aku juga mahu kebebasan
Untuk mencari sesuatu yang aku inginkan

Jika tidak mahu, katakan tidak
Jangan jadi lembu yang dicucuk hidung
Disorong sana sini kau mengikut
Tanpa hati merelakannya

Berhentilah menggangu masaku
Tidak mahu aku mendusta lagi
Kau pergi jangan kembali
Tanpa kemahuan dirimu sendiri

Sudahlah sudah kau begini
Cubalah mengerti perasaan lain
Aku penat melayan karenahmu
Seperti anak kecil yang tidak langsung tahu

Dewasalah seperti usiamu
Bertanggungjawablah seperti yang teramanah
Kelak kau juga lalui
Bila masa untukmu sudah tiba

Kau kawan kau teman
Jangan sampai menjadi musuh
Kau rahmat kau persoalan
Bantuku jawab di padang sana

Sedarlah rakan apa yang ku maksudkan
Buat pengajaran buat bekalan
Aku kasihmu seperti taulan
Ku harap kau juga sedemikian

Peganglah amanah peganglah janji
Jangan yang kosong yang kau beri
Ku mengharap pertolongan darimu
Bantulah aku untuk membantu dirimu

You guys just don't know what we have to go through to reach the destination. So, it's just ridiculous if you could not reach easier place which surely within your own territory. Learn to survive, man. You're not small baby anymore. And please, learn the map. I know your intellectual level is high enough to google the map and add the destinations. LOL.

Thursday 15 November 2012

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony". But Ben, your idea of happiness does not seem to be correct. If you try to invade a country, surely your civilian will just be physically demolished too as the war involves death and injury. When you show your anger through those missiles, can you once think being at their shoes? You are definitely destroying the world happiness. True, power is good. It widens your territory, but if what you make to get it done is also widening the area to explode. The area does not even have zero oxygen balance, so don't purposely make one. What good you have to fire people to death? Don't you be ashamed of who you are? Show your empathy, because without that, there is no humanity.

I Think Empathy Is Vital

Without Empathy There Is No Humanity
By: nothingandsomething
Written on February 11th, 2011
Without empathy there is no "humanity"
(humanity both being defined as "all human beings collectively" & "the quality of being humane; kindness; benevolence")

I think empathy is what is missing in the world, with its deficiency causing everything considered destructive, cruel, or evil.

On the environmental and animal level:

Preservation of our natural home and the species that keep it in balance would be to have empathy for all people and species of the world. Because without a home, none would survive. No abuse or torture would be inflicted on animals because we would empathize with their physical pain, as we humans are not apart from it.

On the international level (war):

With empathy for the people you would consider fighting, you would understand their grievances and they would understand yours. Leaders would empathize with their own people and the other nation's people, knowing that the death of an innocent is no less precious than their own.

On the national level (government):

Government would serve the needs of all people, regardless of their circumstances, being empathetic to those who suffer most. National leaders would see that money would be a way to solve problems and lessen poverty, rather than grease the hands of the already rich and powerful. The people would collectively understand that having wealth means nothing when your neighbor starves.

On the familial level:

Giving and taking among spouses and their children would be equal, each knowing that more pleasure comes from seeing their family content than coveting space in the home or control over all for themselves. Husbands would not control their wives and wives would refuse to do the same. Marriage would be a partnership rather than a struggle for power, knowing that marriage and a family cannot be happy if only one is satisfied.

On the personal, human level:

Everyone would see themselves in each other, regardless of beauty, race, socio-economic status, nationality, or sex. They would feel grief for a starving orphan on the other side of the world, the same way as if it were their own child. Charity would be an impulse, love would be unquestionable.

God, I sincerely pray that empathy fills the hearts of those with little or none, or those who have forgotten the boundless empathy they possess. Without it there is no humanity.

By: nothingandsomething
Age: 22-25, Woman