Tuesday 18 December 2012

Granada 3rd day

Pagi tadi semua orang kena bangun awal sebab nak kejar aero bus pukul 6 lebih. Terpisat-pisatlah mata aku nak buka... We walked towards Plaza Catalunya to get on the bus, hence the airport. Sesampainya di airport, we searched for the check in counter and yeay we obtained the bording passes through self check in machine. And I put my bag to check the size, and double yeay, it passed the specification. Alhamdulillah... Allah granted my wish. I was praying hard so that I would not be fined.

The flight journey was quite bad as a lot of us experienced greater pressure in our ears. Alkisah lah di airport malaga, kitorang berebut minivan which took us to malagacar showroom. I think we were the first one kot yang sampai kat van tu, tapi ada sorang minah ni beriyer cakap dia nye van and she even asked us out. Hello????? Sepak kang! Rude gila okay? Dah tua tu act like one la. Jangan la tunjuk tauladan x baik. Dah kau punya kawan x sampai lagi, nak reserve2 pehal. Just wait la.. Bukannya orang malagacar tu x nak amek langsung. Apa daa...

The journey to Granada biasa je la. Sesat-sesat sket sebab mak cik garmin pening jap, gelabah-gelabah sket sebab x biasa left hand side stereng. Sampai granada town, blur x tau nak parking mana. So we decided to go to Alhambra, konon-konon nak beli ticket for tomorrow visit la. Rupa-rupanya hanya boleh beli for today's visit je. So we headed back to the town to check into the Presidente Hotel.

After settled down, we went out sightseeing around the town. Lalu depan cathedral, arab street, byazine and lastly st nicholas hill. There, we stopped to view the scenery of Alhambra. Subhanallah... The sunset view was awesome and i'm grateful that i'm given the opportunity to see the great scenery.

Perut pon dah lapar gila, souvenirs pon dah cekau i.e. Postcards 5 keping, 2 fridge magnets, 1 shot glass, kitorang pon singgah sebentar di Barakah restaurant. Tunggu punya tunggu dengan sabar, dapatlah perutku menghadam shawarma de pollo. Cara sebut shawarma di poyo. Poyo okay? Haha. Poyo to cheese la.
Sempat jugak lah menyinggah di candy shop yang sangat comel. Menggila la aku ngan kak sureen amek gambar sampai kena warning ngan pekedai. Haha. Pastu, masuk kedai perfume, konon nak cari facial wash, sebab facial wash dah hampir habis. Dah promoter tu dok beriyer promote clinique kat aku, mahal la... So, she finally showed her little magic box i.e traveller kits... And I got one facial wash miniature for a euro. Good bargain, isn't it?

Next shop, fashion shop. Awwwww all the dresses memang sangat lawa and they are on my style. Malangnya semua mahal. Kalau 30 euro, dah lama aku cekau. Kak sureen and iman bought scarfes, and memang cantik la. Aku je x beli sebab x pakai scarf sangat...

Sampai hotel, mandi, and now writing this entry. Mata dah lalok, rasa nak tidur. Tomorrow has to wake up early for breakfast and full visit of alhambra.




1 comment:

  1. nabilah! mintak souvenier 1! haha... cantik tak bandar barcelona tuh? alhambra tu mcm bunyi2 arab je.. -.- ke fida yg blur~ haha
