Friday 3 February 2012

Perfect Sense

I just finished watching this movie starred by Eva Green and Ewan McGregor. David Mackenzie as a director, had brought a different approach towards this kind of movie genre.

Benarlah manusia dijadikan berpancaindera dan segala pancaindera tersebut sangat berkaitan antara satu sama lain. Rosaknya salah satu mahupun kesemua pancaindera, pincanglah sebuah kehidupan. 

A chef and a scientist fall in love as an epidermic begins to rob people of their sensory perceptions. The film started when the young scientist started to find out about a patient who lost the sense of smell. Everyone seemed to have the same problem as they could not sniff the smell when should it be alike. So, all scientists over the world started to do experiments and researched for antidotes for the 'disease'. Things get harder when they started to lose their sense of taste. It happened when the hunger moment came where they ate whatever they saw in front of them by that time. Even the scientist ate a bouquet of flower and her own body lotion. It was just yucky to watch that scene where everyone just grabbed raw fish, garbage stocks and even lipstick. After two chemical senses i.e smell and taste had gone, they were still left with eye-sight, ears to listen, ans sense of touch. Life continued which they tried to utilize other senses to fulfill their necessities. The restaurant was now serving crackers food, fascinating decorated food, and they felt enough to quench the thirst or to celebrate the wine by the tinkling sound of the bottle. As life went on, the fourth sense was gone too as they turned deaf. The authorities had done few approaches to the public citizen to handle the situation. All televisions at home had to be switched on in order to read any further order by the authorities. Meanwhile, they had to be grounded at their own home and food would be delivered when the meal times came. Everyone started to use sign language to communicate and started to appreciate what they were left with. The quiet silent yet peaceful moments was wrapped up with the darkness at the end of the story. Before the couple was sightless, they had the chance to grab and hug each other closely, so they could still feel their breath and heart beats. 

Just imagine if this really happens to us. How could you face the problem? Masya Allah. How great are those senses we borrow from Him to appreciate and live this life.

Jika dilihat, sektor perfileman Hollywood sudah acapkali mengeluarkan genre filem yang berkaitan  hidup akhir zaman, bagaimanakah lagaknya  keadaan ketika dunia ini hampir berakhir? Kadangkala apabila menonton filem-filem yang ber'genre seperti ini,  secara tidak langsung telah mebuatkan sang penonton terfikir dengan pengakhiran dunia ini. Wajiblah keatas semua umat Islam untuk beriman kepada Hari Kiamat. Jadi, tatkala melihat orang bukan Islam  lebih banyak mengeluarkan filem-filem berunsur sebegini, wajarlah kita melihat kembali di mana silapnya sektor perfileman negara kita.  Jika  produser filem di Indonesia mampu menghasilkan filem seperti Delisa, mengapakah penerbit filem tempatan tidak mahu menghasilkan karya layar perak yang lebih bermanfaat dan  memberi iktibar? Trend menghasilkan filem seram dan romantik komedi termasuklah filem ghairah sudah menjadi 'favourite' penerbit tempatan untuk disajikan kepada penonton . Hasilnya, anak muda sekarang masih lagi hidup di dalam kepompong bersuka ria dan tidak mampu untuk berfikir ke arah yang lebih dewasa . Santapan rohani sekurang-kurangnya boleh juga diselitkan di dalam sebuah karya untuk penonton-penonton muda ini ambil sebagai pengajaran and 'food thought'.

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Filmmaker should reinterpret what they are shooting as worth the experience of going to the cinema. They should also cut the dvd distribution and sell their movie directly online... ( But I wonder those artsy old coot will even listen to this =p)
penerbit-penerbit filem tempatan seharusnya menjadi 'role model' sebagai pendidik di sebalik tabir rakyat dalam negara zaman ini kerana remaja khususnya, kini lebih banyak menghabiskan masa lapang mereka dengan menonton filem di panggung wayang, drama-drama swasta di kaca televisyen mahupun di alam maya. Jadi, pendekatan yang hampir dengan penduduk dunia era ini dalam menghasilkan modal insan yang lebih matang  ialah menerusi media yang telah disenaraikan di atas.

Dengan itu, saya berharap agar industri perfileman negara dapat dicorakkan dengan filem-filem yang berilmiah yang dapat diberikan sebagai 'food thought' kepada warga Malaysia supaya pemikiran rakyat lebih berwawasan sejajar dengan motto bekas Perdana Menteri yang ke-5, biar kemudahan kelas ke-3, pemikiran mesti kelas pertama.

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