Thursday 19 March 2015

Konon nak ke Luxembourg...

Jam menunjukkan pukul 8.15 pagi. Rumah masih sepi. Tiada bunyi dari mereka yang tidur di ruang tamu. Sepatutnya semua sibuk bersiap untuk ke Luxembourg. Aku dan teman baikku sudahpun siap sedia, tudung pon dah molek. Aku jengah ke hadapan, kononnya ingin ke dapur untuk mengambil minuman. Selesai menghilangkan dahaga, aku melangkah keluar dan memandang mereka yang masih tersadai di atas kerusi sofa.
Weh, bangun ah! Pukul berapa dah ni? *sambil menarik selimut yang menutupi hampir separuh mukanya*
Terpisat-pisatlah Tabib bangun, mengomel seorang diri. Di hujung sofa sana, Aamirul sudah duduk sambil memegang iPhone 4s nya, mungkin sedang ber'whatsapp' dengan kekasih hatinya yang berada di Malaysia.
Weh, lama sangat la nak sampai Luxembourg. 3 jam lebih kot. Nanti macam membazir masa je. Perjalanan dah 6 jam pergi balik. Kita jalan around here la.
Okay je. Nak g mane? Apa yang best kat sini?
Jom google.
Seperti biasa, pak cik google jugalah yang menjadi penyelamat. Google image je semua tempat, kalau cantik, jalan... So, we decided to go to Reserve Naturelle ETANGS DU ROMELAERE and Calais plage.

Teringin sangat tengok hutan kan... sesat entah mana entah Mek Garmin merangkap penunjuk arah kereta sewa tu bawa. Sudah la natural reserve park tu in the middle of no where. Jalan yang paling cepat pula tutup due to maintenance work. So, terpaksa la pusing ikut jalan jauh untuk sampai ke destinasi yang dituju. Suppose Aamirul dan Tabib faham bahasa perancis, semua papan tanda diorang faham. Tapi sebabkan intruction no entrance for private car into the park tu in french, konon nak buat-buat tak faham and redah je. Tiba-tiba ada seorang pekerja ni approach kitorang in french and Aamirul replied in french tu. Cis! Poyo je kata nak buat-buat tak faham, kantoi la boleh cakap french kan? Haha. So, he had to park the car outside, which was 800m from the place we stood now. Aku, Dyaa, and Tabib just waited for him at the park whilst Aamirul parked the car. A few minutes later, nampak la Aamirul jalan. Kitorang macam,
Eh??? Cepatnya?
Aku parking kat depan rumah orang tu. Tak de kerja aku nak parking jauh-jauh. Haha.

This natural park is located in Nord-Pas-de-Calais region. There are two other natural reserve parks, but obviously we would not go to every single park within a day, kan... Seperti biasa, when we first arrived, there were only a few visitors wondering around the park. But, when we wanted to perform Zohor prayer, there were a lot of them coming. Semua bawa anak-anak datang tengok gedung lalang. Back in Malaysia, we rarely see such phenomena where a family is taken for a nature trip, I mean, yang memang datang semata-mata tengok hutan. Kalau ada pon, setakat mandi air terjun di kaki bukit je la. Itu pon if dorang pernah kenal air sungai kat kampung. If not, memang semua stock2 nak main air kat water park macam Sunway Lagoon je la. All those kids seemed to be happy and excited during their visit, sebab ada yang tunjuk ke arah tasik dengan muka amazement.

Along the pathway, there are a lot of plaques; providing information and advice about the plant and wildlife of the wetlands that can be seen from the point of view. Those plaques memang sangat user-friendly, siap ada Braille untuk orang buta lagi. Scenery kat situ, memang cantik. Subhanallah.... Though lalang dan ranting, tapi sebab pakai sunglasses,  the see through view was magnificient in sepia mode. Alhamdulillah, the weather was so nice, the sky was blue, the sun shone brightly, and we could see nice reflection on the surface of lake water.

We did not take a lot of times at the park and would rather end the trip at Calais plage (plage = beach). At the beach, the wind blew hard. Aku yang agak kurus ni pon macam susah nak moving forward. Asyik kena tolak je. There were a lot of people; sun bathing, eating ice creams, playing kites, and etc. We walked to the water side, took a few pictures, and drew on the sand. Sayup-sayup kejauhan across the English channel, we could see England's mainland. It was seen through as the weather was so bright. Sempat jugalah kami bergambar dengan kapal yang lalu-lalang, back and forth to Calais port. If you are going to Europe from England not via airways, you are likely to be passing through this channel sebab bas or kereta akan board onto a ferry or train and being shipped to the port.

When we were trying to find a way out from the car park, berlaku lah satu accident kecil. Kereta depan tu entah apa driver tu buat entah sampai tak dengar bunyi hon kereta lain. Rasa juga lah dentuman kecil. Nasib baik, serpihan plat number je yang tercabut. If  major dent, memang kena la orang tu. On the way balik tu, aku dah x tahan ngantuk dah. Since Tabib ada untuk teman Aamirul borak-borak, aku pon tidur la kat belakang.

Malam tu dihabiskan dengan permainan video Playstation 3. Beriyer lah main naruto sampai sakit jari tekan joystick macam nak mati. Orang lain main tak de lah psiko macam aku main. Dah 6 kali menang berturut-turut, aku surrender bila dah kalah 2 kali. Menjerit menang tu macam nak bagi satu rumah dengar. Kesian la Padu yang tenat memerah otak for his examination on the next day. Sorry Padu aku buat bising. Hehe.

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