Thursday 28 February 2013

Zulkarnain - catatan usrah march 2013

Emosi dan sosial

Ayat 83-98

Berurusan dengan manusia
Iman islam ihsan

Type of Ihsan
Allah - taqwa
Manusia - akhlak
Kerja - itqan (bsungguh-sungguh)

What is ihsan?

Taqwa seperti berjalan di atas duri (berhati-hati)

Kisah pertama dan kedua
Kebenaran kecik, kebatilan besar

Kisah 3
Cara handle kebatilan kebenaran

Kisah 4
Kebenaran besar, kebatilan kecil

Zulkarnain - yang benar pasti menang

Yakjuj makjuj - pertembungan dengan kebatilan

Zulkarnain was given tools to get everything i.e. Ilmu,harta, human resource besides power

Kuasa milik Allah
Bagi yang dizalimi, mampu rasa berani untuk menegakkan sesuatu yang hak
Allah berhak beri dan tarik kuasa yang diberikan kepada sesiapa sahaja
Should carry the responsibility, not take the job easy as it would be questioned in Hereafter

Power is needed to differentiate between syiah and sunni. Syiah started during khulafa ar rasyidin term. One of the group questioned on why abu bakar succeed the position as the chief minister instead of ali who is the prophet's cousin. Syiah thought that power was supposed to be inherited as it is considered a privelege. This contradicts what the prophet has believed. Power should not be a privelege, and it should not be thought as an easy subject.

The first journey of Zulkarnain to the west and he met a colony which were not yet believing in Allah. Allah asked Zulkarnain what action would he put on them, either treating them nicely or punishing.

Zulkarnain wanted to treat them based on thier actions. If they are doing good deeds, they will be given merit. Vice versa.

Munkar dan nukra
From Allah view and human view
Nukra 74 from human view, its bad. But it's not bad in Allah view
Nukra 87 from Allah view, its a fine thing.

Trip to the east
Meet poor colony, without protection

None should investigate too deeply about this story as the information about this is limited. ALLAH limits it and only Allah knows everything.

Journey no 3
Kaum belakang gunung,x paham bahasa masing2
Yakjuj makjuk golongan manusia yang membuat kerosakan di bumi
Keruntuhan kerajaan abasiyyan
Buang buku sampai river jadi hitam dek ink
Lenyapkan tamadun

Kaum belakang gunung
Duduk tempat bahaya sebab yakjuj makjuj
Pemalas sebab sanggup bagi upah untuk buat perlindungan untuk mereka

Zulkarnain ajak mereka untuk merajinkan diri melindungi diri mereka sendiri

Reactivity series
Copper and iron

Tembok besi yang susah dilubangi
Yakjuj makjuj sudahpun keluar

Dinding itu rahmat dari Allah
Not my own power

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