Saturday 16 February 2013

Nasi biryani

Tell me how your tummy sings. Does the song sound like Taylor Swift? Justin Bieber? or maybe Siti Nurhaliza? Haha. My tummy sang an emo song as I was a bit emotionally unstable. After performed Maghrib prayer, I went down to the kitchen and started slicing spring onions. To cook what? Yeay, chicken biryani. Actually, I was browsing something to order from But, I changed my mind. I wanted to cook to release tension. Indeed, it helped!

A big onion spring was cut into half and sliced into small pieces. Same bits went to garlic, ginger and chilies. All were fried together with star anise, cardamom and clover until fragrant. Remember I made ayam masak merah for nasi minyak last two days? There were some sambal left, so I actually fried the biryani foundation in the same wok. #reduce the kitchen waste. I added some chicken pieces, 1/3 packet of biryani powder, three spoonful of chili powder, and a spoonful of meat curry powder. Then, pour some milk and simmer the mixture until fragrant. The cooked mixture was added into the rice cooker. Make sure to pour extra water for well steamed rice. The water level is not going to be the same with steaming a normal white rice because for this biryani, some water will be used for cooking the chicken.

For salad, two tomatoes and half length of cucumber were cut into small cubes and lemon and sugar juice were added later. To add the crunchiness, mix together fried nan bread into the salad. Serve the salad freshly next to the cooked biryani rice.

My tummy is now full #Alhamdulillah... and I suppose to get ready on my assignment. Yosh! Bismillah...

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