Friday 3 August 2012

How worth is one life?

Satu nyawa. Berapakah nilai satu nyawa di mata anda?

Maybe you think of me as kaki drama. Yes, I admit that. Ever since I reach Malaysia, TV has always been my favourite company. Almost all dramas on the TV I watch. Dari emo ke gelak ketawa, emo balik, meluat, bosan, and etc.

Ok, back to our main topic here, nyawa. I just finished watching a drama 'Nazihah'. Lelaki yang pernah menjadi suami Nazihah *I don't know what his name is* pergi sembelih leher bekas tunang Naziha macam nyawa Adam tu tiada nilai. Aishhh ingat manusia macam ayam ke nak boleh kelar macam tu je. That happened bila cinta tak berbalas. That wicked guy even used black magic to get Naziha. Bila Naziha minta fasakh sebab dah tau kena santau, mengamuk la si mamat tu and salahkan Adam. Lol. You are not even malaikat maut to detach a life from its body.

Speaking about that too, ada lagi satu drama yang aku baru habis tonton, entitled 'dejavu di kinabalu'. Nadhira ni sakit jantung and she got her 2nd chance by having a donored heart. Konon nya lepas dia dapat jantung baru, dia syok pulak kat Amar. And there is speculation made by people saying that jantung 2nd hand tu was donored by late Inarah, Amar's fiancee. Bila Nadhira tahu pasal jantung Inarah tu, mengamuk la dia and she broke that relationship and tried to retrieve her previous love from Bazli. Nak dijadikan cerita kesengalan Nadhira ni, dia boleh buang ubat yang berfungsi sebagai pemadan badan dan jantung baru dalam toilet bowl sebagai tanda protest. She did not want to live anymore sebab konon nya dia rasa tertipu and dah susahkan banyak orang, even caused her own mother's death. Beriyer lah Nadhira tu nak mati, tapi sebab orang sekeliling sayang kat dia, dorang pon berusaha untuk selamatkan dia. Aishh, she really wanted to die, macam orang x kenal tuhan.

See, how dramas teach us to value a life? Macam tiada harga. Nyawa kot, sekali hilang, bukan boleh restore macam kita delete file and restore from recycle bin. Once it trash, it is forever gone. Kenal lah erti sebuah nyawa. Value it. Live with it. Appreciate the chance given. Work hard to earn the benefits it after life. May Allah ease each and every single path taken. INSYAALLAH...

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