Thursday 16 August 2012

Menjelang raya 2012

3 hari before raya

Tahun ni, first time aku rasa excited nak count down raya bila dah besar2 macam ni. Now I know how the feeling is bila bekerja time hampir semua orang bercuti.

Just now, before balik, sempat la aku and other interns g bilik supervisor and ucap selamat hari raya sebab tomorrow dia ada meeting kat KL. 'selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin En Yusri and Zakwan'

Gembira gila mood for today sebab baru abes presentation and my sv and senior cakap good job. So kembang semangkuk jap. Tros tengok movie, x nak buat report. Haha

Tonight, first time saf lelaki less than 3. Tu tanda orang dah balik kampung. Hopefully tomorrow ramai lah sbb orang luar pulak balik kampung kat cni kan..

Alhamdulillah Allah bagi nikmat gembira di bulan ramadhan...

2 hari before raya

Keluar je ke main road, lengang. No cars. Aishhh lagi la macam x nak g kerja. Most of the workers dah start cuti raya and I? have to go working. Not that I have a lot of work tapi sebab I don't have any spare holiday to take, kena la pergi kerja. My internship duration is just about two months, so I only get two days off, once each month. I bring forward that cuti for raya week and ponteng 1 hari a.k.a unpaid leave. Tak seronok pulak cuti lama2, padahal baru intern, so I don't ponteng la today.

Nampak bag balik kampung belakang motor that guy. I saw him at Salak traffic light. The motorcycle was in black colour, and I think he just washed it and get it serviced as it looked shiny a bit. Haha *motor pon nak raya juga*. The bag is tied with a black net and fit at the back seat.

On my way pergi kerja, tiba2 bau rendang. uh uh... Orang rumah tu dah masak rendang raya. My nanny's rendang is the best. Shall look forward into it from now on. Can't wait to eat laksa/any special dishes that are gonna be served for raya.

Bila berhenti dekat traffic light, nampak ada kereta yang kat tingkap dia ada hangered baju raya. Speaking on baju raya, I saw ibu ironed our finished baju kurung moden this morning. Weeeee. My baju raya dah siap. Last year's raya, we didn't have the perfect boria as baju family x sempat siap. So, masing2 dah warna macam2 la dalam gambar raya family. Hopefully ibu can finish along's and mamat's baju melayu la before raya. Oh, baju raya ibu and ayah dah siap ke belum ek?

Ada satu kereta lagi, there's a boy standing in the car, excited nak sampai kampung kot.

Masuk parking area kat office, kosong. Tak banyak kereta pon. Wahhhhh

Lift was opened and it was dark inside. So I was the first one who used it today.

Reached the office and watched a movie. Perfect morning!

Pagi raya a.k.a 1 Syawal

Since aku x berapa nak boleh ke masjid, I woke up a little bit late. Seeing curtained windows and ironed baju kurung, I felt the energy to have a good celebration on that day. And as previous years, we took family photo before heading back to kampung.

My family

My big family

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