Oh Allah The Almighty
I'm begging you, deeply form my sinful heart, please give me an overall 1st class result or at least 2nd upper's.
Nak dijadikan cerita, on the 30th of May, di saat hampir semua orang bersuka ria dah habis exam, aku baru la terkedek-kedek melangkah ke dalam dewan peperiksaan. And thank Allah I started my first paper with all determination, konon-konon macam prepared la kan. Tapi, when I flipped the first page of the questions booklet, hati dah berdebar-debar. Oh my... The questions are completely new and tricky in comparison with past years' exam papers. I made circles on question numbers as to mark my choices. Then barulah attempt the first question. Rasanya I started after 10 mins kot. Punyalah took time untuk pilih soalan kan sebab macam speechless.
1st question was done within 45 minutes, okay, to be exact only half of it was done. So I had to continue with next questions. Tengok markah punya lah banyak, but my derivation pendek je. Halal la. Malas nak fikir. I continued doing other until I realised the time left. Cuak gila okay? Banyak tak siap lagi, and macam tak tahu jugak. I tried and tried until the time ended. The big basketball game's clock memang helpful to watch my time out. Every single minute was shown clearly as it was digital clock.
Harapan? As I said, I want a 1st. But, macam that would be miracle la if I get it. So, I'm hoping for 2nd upper at least. Ya Allah, Kau lembutkanlah hati examiners ketika menanda kertas jawapanku, supaya mereka boleh memberiku markah yang tinggi, dan tidak fail kan aku, dan tidak resit kan aku. Ya Allah, Kau maha pemurah memberi rezeki dan berkuasa menentukan takdir. Makbulkanlah permintaanku ini. Amin...
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Friday, 25 May 2012
Friday afternoon
What a beautiful day I would say. Since dah alang-alang pergi town untuk KUNS meeting, aku dan Dyaa pergi Hi You oriental groceries shop untuk shopping JAJAN a.k.a junk food. Rasa nak makan semua benda je. So I bought Korean instant noodles, Boybawang cornicks, and Keropok Bika.
Also, I took the chance to cuci-cuci mata dekat Eldon Square. First shop, NEW LOOK. Kenapa? Sebab nak solat zohor. So, I chose two outfits to try and solat at the changing room. The dresses I got pon memang lawa-lawa. Tapi satu ad getah kat tengah, satu baju belang-belang pelangi yang shapy. So, tak jadi la beli walaupun LAWA. Going to next shops and browsing through the sale line. Akhirnya, tak de apa pon aku beli.
So I went out to buy Smarties Mcflurry dekat McDonald and study dekat bawah pokok di sekitar dataran Eldon Square. Ramai gila orang lepak kat situ. Yang tidur, yang duduk, yang borak, macam-macam lagi lah. Aku? STUDY. Mula-mula buka Separation Process. Lepas tu rasa macam distracted dengan persekitaran, aku stop and pergi TKMax. Haha. Mata pon meliar lah tengok dresses, boxes, and bedding linen. TAPI, tak beli pon. Sigh...
Bila dah jumpa Aqiedah and Siew Lee, kitorang sambung lagi jalan dalam Eldon Square. Aku bawa Aqiedah pergi Paperchase, and stuck at the shop for half an hour? Everything seemed to be beautiful and cute and I NEARLY bought a bag. But sebab Siew Lee kata macam budak-budak, so I didn't buy it. Beg comel warna purple, we aren't destined to be together.
Akhirnya... we were back to our main aim of the afternoon, which was MAKAN AISKRIM. We decided to not eating ice-cream but drinking smoothies. Strawberry and banana, raspberries and blackcurrent, and raspberries and white chocolate. So we called it a day. BALIK RUMAH MAKAN BAKSO!
So I went out to buy Smarties Mcflurry dekat McDonald and study dekat bawah pokok di sekitar dataran Eldon Square. Ramai gila orang lepak kat situ. Yang tidur, yang duduk, yang borak, macam-macam lagi lah. Aku? STUDY. Mula-mula buka Separation Process. Lepas tu rasa macam distracted dengan persekitaran, aku stop and pergi TKMax. Haha. Mata pon meliar lah tengok dresses, boxes, and bedding linen. TAPI, tak beli pon. Sigh...
Bila dah jumpa Aqiedah and Siew Lee, kitorang sambung lagi jalan dalam Eldon Square. Aku bawa Aqiedah pergi Paperchase, and stuck at the shop for half an hour? Everything seemed to be beautiful and cute and I NEARLY bought a bag. But sebab Siew Lee kata macam budak-budak, so I didn't buy it. Beg comel warna purple, we aren't destined to be together.
Akhirnya... we were back to our main aim of the afternoon, which was MAKAN AISKRIM. We decided to not eating ice-cream but drinking smoothies. Strawberry and banana, raspberries and blackcurrent, and raspberries and white chocolate. So we called it a day. BALIK RUMAH MAKAN BAKSO!
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Passion in studies... Salute the old man
Britain's oldest student has graduated from university aged 91- and is still planning to go on and do a PHD.
Bertie Gladwin, 91, said that he had "a lot of laughs" with students less than a third of his age. Image- Maso …Bertie Gladwin left school aged 14 with no interest in academia, later going on to have an extensive career in MI6. Now the former civil servant is celebrating gaining a distinction in Masters in Intelligence History from the University of Buckingham - despite being more than 60 years older than his course mates.
Rather than studying at home, Bertie packed his bag and headed into lectures and seminars with the rest of the post-grad students, who were all in their early 20s.Like any other student, the OAP turned up late for his first lecture and got lost in the maze of corridors at university.
The World War Two veteran was also left baffled by computers, which he had never used before he retired in 1987, and regularly deleted whole essays by mistake.
But while he struggled with some aspects of modern learning, the senior student had no problem getting to grips with his degree- having previously worked through two decades of intelligence history he studied.
Bertie rose from his first job as a grocery delivery boy to become a radio communications engineer with the Foreign Office and secret service. As soon as he spotted the degree, Bertie - who still sends Morse code messages to friends across the world - knew it was perfect for him.
“Most of what we handled isn't secret anymore, in fact I had to study some of it for my Masters,” Bertie said. “It was a strange feeling to be reading about history in a textbook that you lived through yourself. When I started I was worried about being up to the challenge but once I got there I realised I could have been the most qualified person ever to do that course.”
Bertie, a resident of Milton Keynes, Bucks, admitted that he was a "late bloomer" and said that he is considering attempting a PHD.
"On the first day I couldn't find the class so I was around 20 minutes late and had to creep in the back of the room,” he added. “You are never too old to learn, it's a pleasure to be able to carry on learning through your life and makes the experience all the more enjoyable. I found that my humour hadn't changed that much, even if I did seem a bit old fashioned compared to my friends we had a lot of laughs.
“Going to university changed my whole attitude towards young people and I hope maybe I have shown them old people aren't too bad either”.

Rather than studying at home, Bertie packed his bag and headed into lectures and seminars with the rest of the post-grad students, who were all in their early 20s.Like any other student, the OAP turned up late for his first lecture and got lost in the maze of corridors at university.
The World War Two veteran was also left baffled by computers, which he had never used before he retired in 1987, and regularly deleted whole essays by mistake.
But while he struggled with some aspects of modern learning, the senior student had no problem getting to grips with his degree- having previously worked through two decades of intelligence history he studied.
Bertie rose from his first job as a grocery delivery boy to become a radio communications engineer with the Foreign Office and secret service. As soon as he spotted the degree, Bertie - who still sends Morse code messages to friends across the world - knew it was perfect for him.
“Most of what we handled isn't secret anymore, in fact I had to study some of it for my Masters,” Bertie said. “It was a strange feeling to be reading about history in a textbook that you lived through yourself. When I started I was worried about being up to the challenge but once I got there I realised I could have been the most qualified person ever to do that course.”
Bertie, a resident of Milton Keynes, Bucks, admitted that he was a "late bloomer" and said that he is considering attempting a PHD.
"On the first day I couldn't find the class so I was around 20 minutes late and had to creep in the back of the room,” he added. “You are never too old to learn, it's a pleasure to be able to carry on learning through your life and makes the experience all the more enjoyable. I found that my humour hadn't changed that much, even if I did seem a bit old fashioned compared to my friends we had a lot of laughs.
“Going to university changed my whole attitude towards young people and I hope maybe I have shown them old people aren't too bad either”.

Bertie graduated in March this year - just before his birthday, aged 90 - and was proudly watched by his wife Wendy, 79, who encouraged him to try university despite not even having A-levels.
Bertie completed his first degree, a BA in psychology from the Open University, in his mid sixties and followed it up with a BSc in Molecular biology which he finished in just two years, as he turned 70.
Impressively, Bertie's masters is his third degree since retiring 25 years ago, after he completed a BA in Psychology and a BSc in Microbiology through the Open University. He took the British record for senior studying from the previous 89-year-old title holder.
The current world record is currently held by a 96-year-old philosophy graduate from China.
Saturday, 19 May 2012
Coretan petang sabtu
Suppose Saturday evening = Study time,
Saturday evening = Facebook + Barbie/Disney movies + Skype + Tutorial (Study)
Study time - Tutorial = FB + movies + Skype
Suppose FB = Movies = Skype = Tutorial = 1
(Saturday evening - tutorial) / study time = (FB + movies + Skype - Tutorial) / study time
(Saturday evening - tutorial) / study time = 3 /4
Procrastinating activity overwhelmed the time. There are more FB + movies + Skype sessions during Saturday evening compared to tutorial. Time allocated for good reasons is less than for unreasonable session.
FB has to be deactivated. Movies has to be banned. Skype has to be shut.
FB is the only leisure medium which can give instantaneous happiness. Skype is one of the ways to get in contact with housemates, thus cannot be shut directly. Movies can be controlled with strong will.
Control your wits, face the guts, stroll your will and kick the goal.
Saturday evening = Facebook + Barbie/Disney movies + Skype + Tutorial (Study)
Study time - Tutorial = FB + movies + Skype
Suppose FB = Movies = Skype = Tutorial = 1
(Saturday evening - tutorial) / study time = (FB + movies + Skype - Tutorial) / study time
(Saturday evening - tutorial) / study time = 3 /4
Procrastinating activity overwhelmed the time. There are more FB + movies + Skype sessions during Saturday evening compared to tutorial. Time allocated for good reasons is less than for unreasonable session.
FB has to be deactivated. Movies has to be banned. Skype has to be shut.
FB is the only leisure medium which can give instantaneous happiness. Skype is one of the ways to get in contact with housemates, thus cannot be shut directly. Movies can be controlled with strong will.
Control your wits, face the guts, stroll your will and kick the goal.
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Buat Zue in Plymouth
She said she missed me badly, so this was what I made for her in reply.
Who is Zue? Nur Azureen is the name given by the parents for a sweet little girl who now studying in Plymouth, UK. I know her in a program called Projek Kalsom, and ever since our friendship grows stronger through Facebook. Funny, right? We never see each other after the program ends, just a few phone calls and lots of sharing and comments in facebook tie us up.
For Zue who is far down to the south, GOOD LUCK and all the best for your undertaking. Hope to see you in future. Just bear with the assignments now till we both achieve our goal and aim being here in the UK. InsyaAllah.
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Selamat Hari Guru
I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist and that there are as few as there are any other great artists. Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit.
~ John Steinbeck
To all my teachers at Tabika Kemas Balai Polis Sepang, Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Pelek, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sungai Pelek, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama Maahad Hamidiah, Sekolah Seri Puteri, United World College of The Atlantic, and Newcastle University,
Thank you very much for everything. May Allah bless all of you and shower you with happiness in this world and here after.
Selamat Hari Ibu
How far you are in physical distance, does not make you far from our heart. We shall reunite under a roof one day, for sure *which means when everyone is home ^.^*. We love you, Ibu. Not only today, but everyday is actually a mother's day as you are the happiest reason for us to be alive.
And this was what my mom had replied, which nearly made my tears fall.
terima kasih anak anak,apa apa pun semua mesti belajar rajin rajin, ibu nak semua berjaya dan cermelang dlm apa saja bidang yg diceburi,doa ibu sentiasa mengiringi anak anak ibu. ibu halalkan dan maafkan segalanya.ibu sayang semua anak anak ibu
Thank you Ibu, I love you so much
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
New house
The second we agreed to sign the contract, one burden went down already.
After all thoughts and considerations, beralah dan mengalah, we decided to take that one house with 600GBP rate per month per house. Though the conditions are not that good now, hopefully, after it is being cleaned, everything will sort into place and we can live there happily.
Sweet in the flour, we chose our room accordingly by our preferences. There's nothing to fight against, everyone seemed to be happy with the chosen room. I hope the room is warm enough for us to cuddle in during winter season.
Jotting down the request of things to be replaced new, the landlord who actually seems to be too young to have more properties, gives us the freedom to choose the date to start the contract. So, either it's late or early, we have the 10 months contract in hands, starting from September till July.
Ahhh, now I can slowly pack my things into the luggage and wait to be transferred to another house for summer keeping. Hopefully this is the best for us and what has been decided by Allah. InsyaAllah...
Till we have new progress on the cleaning and tidying up session.
The second we agreed to sign the contract, one burden went down already.
After all thoughts and considerations, beralah dan mengalah, we decided to take that one house with 600GBP rate per month per house. Though the conditions are not that good now, hopefully, after it is being cleaned, everything will sort into place and we can live there happily.
Sweet in the flour, we chose our room accordingly by our preferences. There's nothing to fight against, everyone seemed to be happy with the chosen room. I hope the room is warm enough for us to cuddle in during winter season.
Jotting down the request of things to be replaced new, the landlord who actually seems to be too young to have more properties, gives us the freedom to choose the date to start the contract. So, either it's late or early, we have the 10 months contract in hands, starting from September till July.
Ahhh, now I can slowly pack my things into the luggage and wait to be transferred to another house for summer keeping. Hopefully this is the best for us and what has been decided by Allah. InsyaAllah...
Till we have new progress on the cleaning and tidying up session.
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