Friday 25 May 2012

Friday afternoon

What a beautiful day I would say. Since dah alang-alang pergi town untuk KUNS meeting, aku dan Dyaa pergi Hi You oriental groceries shop untuk shopping JAJAN a.k.a junk food. Rasa nak makan semua benda je. So I bought Korean instant noodles, Boybawang cornicks, and Keropok Bika.

Also, I took the chance to cuci-cuci mata dekat Eldon Square. First shop, NEW LOOK. Kenapa? Sebab nak solat zohor. So, I chose two outfits to try and solat at the changing room. The dresses I got pon memang lawa-lawa. Tapi satu ad getah kat tengah, satu baju belang-belang pelangi yang shapy. So, tak jadi la beli walaupun LAWA. Going to next shops and browsing through the sale line. Akhirnya, tak de apa pon aku beli.

So I went out to buy Smarties Mcflurry dekat McDonald and study dekat bawah pokok di sekitar dataran Eldon Square. Ramai gila orang lepak kat situ. Yang tidur, yang duduk, yang borak, macam-macam lagi lah. Aku? STUDY. Mula-mula buka Separation Process. Lepas tu rasa macam distracted dengan persekitaran, aku stop and pergi TKMax. Haha. Mata pon meliar lah tengok dresses, boxes, and bedding linen. TAPI, tak beli pon. Sigh...

Bila dah jumpa Aqiedah and Siew Lee, kitorang sambung lagi jalan dalam Eldon Square. Aku bawa Aqiedah pergi Paperchase, and stuck at the shop for half an hour? Everything seemed to be beautiful and cute and I NEARLY bought a bag. But sebab Siew Lee kata macam budak-budak, so I didn't buy it. Beg comel warna purple, we aren't destined to be together.

Akhirnya... we were back to our main aim of the afternoon, which was MAKAN AISKRIM. We decided to not eating ice-cream but drinking smoothies. Strawberry and banana, raspberries and blackcurrent, and raspberries and white chocolate. So we called it a day. BALIK RUMAH MAKAN BAKSO!

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