Travel bags for three 'Doras the explorers' |
Lihatlah 3 travel bags yang dah bersusun dekat depan rumah. One for each traveler. Semua macam excited nak travel, hati pon dup dap, gementar nak memulakan perjalanan yang jauh. We called a taxi, to be exact, from Blueline taxi company. After 15 minutes, loceng rumah pon ditekan, menandakan taxi pon sampai. and yeah, EXCITED! teksi warna biru depan rumah.
"tapi... asal x de lambang blueline ek?"
"hm... x pe la. biru dah kereta ni, cukup la ke'blue'an dia kan..?"
Masuklah kami dalam teksi. Kitorang borak2 la in malay, mengomel kenapa pak ciik driver ni bawa kitorang lalu jalan jauh. setahu kitorang, jalan nak g train station, straight down a street je. ni dah berpusing2 pulak. rupa2nya, pak cik tu boleh agak conversation kitorang even though in our mother tongue. Dia pon tiba2 menyampuk,
"Oh, aku bawa korang lalu jalan jauh sebab nak elak traffic jam".
and we were like... tergamam, camne orang tua ni boleh paham lak yang kitorang cakap pasal jalan kan? nevermind. lagi seminit nak sampai train station, we got a call. as soon as we arrived, my friend pon step a side untuk jawab that call in private. dah bayar taxi fare semua, she said,
"hey, blueline called me and asked where were we as the taxi had awaited outside the house."
and we were like, what??? and who sent us just now? so, nampak nya blueline's radio wave had been hijacked and the hijacker was stealing the customers. Kesian blueline... fortunately la the hijacker taxi sent us safely to our destination, kan? if not, memang nightmare la masing2.
After overnight kat heathrow airport semalaman, dengan semangat yang berkobar, bangun pagi, basuh muka semua. CHECK IN!
Tiket ke Istanbul by AirFrance |
Kaki2 yang bakal melangkah ke Turki! |
dan kitorang pon masuk la our flight. all cabin crews greeted us sambil menunjukkan muka yang manis.
Ku sangka panas sampai ke petang, rupanya hujan di tengahari
Tapi, as soon as kitorang dapat tempat duduk, semasing tidur tak kenal dunia dah. Tetiba time tidur tu, terdengar la announcement kata nozzle engine rosak. we were like, owh okay, flight delay, and sambung tidur balik. after a while, ada lagi following announcement.
"this flight has been cancelled. you can evacuate the flight and someone will be waiting for you outside for flight rebooking. we're sorry for this inconvenience. thank you"
dengan mata merah, mamai2, kitorang pon bangun la keluar dr cabin and walked to nowhere. all pitiful passengers macam tak tau nak pergi mana untuk rebook the flight. then, one of the officers said
"you've to go through the immigration, get your luggage and meet the skyline front desk for rebooking"
Apa lagi, mengamuk la semua orang. dah la dengan immigration yang panjang nak kena beratur, bag pulak sampai lambat. angin je muka masing2.
Skyline counter |
After 2 hours of waiting in a queue to rebook our flight., we managed to get a direct flight to Istanbul by Turkish Airline. Pak cik officer kat kaunter tu senyum je bila kitorang giggling dapat direct flight. with smile, he said,
"It's not that bad yet"
"Do we get meal voucher too?"
"yeah yeah, don't worry"
Dalam kepala dah x fikir apa dah, janji nak sampai Turkey by hari tu juga.
Rescheduled itinerary |
Our flight itinerary! Yeay! ALHAMDULILLAH. setiap perkara yang berlaku, pasti ada hikmah nya kan? instead of transit kat CDG, kitorang dapat direct flight. syukur sangat!
Muka happy + penat dapat teruskan perjalanan |
Muka penat + lega after jaga bag for 2 hours |
After finished eating, we got ready to be transferred to Terminal 3. So we had to take a connecting train from Terminal 4 to Terminal 3. Berbondong-bondong la kitorang melangkah sambil tarik trolley bag. Sambil2 tu, kitorang pon mencari chapel a.k.a prayer room. Sampai sesat2 kitorang nak cari. Jauh gila merantau sampai ke luar terminal, padahal ada je chapel dalam terminal. hm... tak pe lah. semoga Allah memanjangkan lagi pahala kami dengan langkah kami yang jauh untuk jamak takdim zohor pada hari tersebut. amin...
WELCOME TO TERMINAL 3. oh yeah!!! |
Two hand luggage tags from both airlines we were in during the adventurous day |