Of rasa sejuk and beku. When tangan dah asyik kene sorok, I guess the number of random photos obviously berkurangan. Namun, excitement seperti budak tadika masuk playground tu tetap ada dalam kesejukan tu. Misi mencari 'budak kencing' gagal. Venice in Belgium i.e. Ghent memang sangat cantik. Of makan truffles 90cent sebiji di Brugge.
Atomium |
The first place we visited was Atomium. Nak cari Atomium ni pon satu hal mula-mula. Sesat-sesat masuk terowong, tak tahu nak masuk jalan, and berpusing cari parking. We thought of paying for the parking, konon nak elak saman. Tup-tup auto payment machine pulak rosak. Alhamdulillah, rezeki kitorang la dapat parking free betul-betul depan Atomium, kan...?
Bulat-bulat Atomium. For Belgians, this is their Eiffel Tower. But, what exactly the Atomium is? Dalam setiap bola bulat itu, ada science museum which sesuai untuk kanak-kanak sekolah rendah yang melakukan lawatan sambil belajar. *Teringat lawatan sambil belajar ke Pusat Sains Negara masa darjah 6 dulu*. And from the top, we can see the view of the whole city. Tapi, since entrance fee yang agak mahal, and masing-masing tak terasa untuk menimba ilmu sains ketika musim cuti, we did not go up. What did we do was melompat sambil bergambar kat depan Atomium. Konon nak ambil gambar tadah Atomium, tapi malas nak jalan jauh lagi, and malas nak bawa keluar kamera dalam cuaca sejuk ketika itu. As you can see from the pictures, keadaan cuaca agak kelam. Memang sangat sejuk pon.
Mini Europe overview |
Instead of Atomium, I decided to go into Mini Europe. Yang lain terpaksa redha je dengan sifat keanak-anakan aku. Aku memang dah lama aim nak pergi such park selepas rasa best visit Miniaturk in Istanbul musim winter 2 tahun lepas. The entrance fee is 15 Euro kalau tak silap aku. And you can finish touring the whole Europe within two hours maximum. Dah namanya Mini Europe, memang replika bangunan di Europe sahajalah yang dipamerkan.
Amsterdam's Miniature |
Ni adalah contoh miniature yang ada di Bruepark. Setiap satu miniature aku ambil gambar. Kecuali those in London. Muak dah tengok Bigben and Parliament House yang real. So, tak kan la yang replica pon nak pose maut jugak kan...
180 degree panorama view of Brussel |
We had not got so much time to stay in Brussel due to parking period. Ni pon, nasib baik sempat buat scenic view at the popular plaza. Orang kata, if you are coming to Brussel, you should at least attempt to find the Mannekan Pis. Who or what is that? Jawapannya senang. Budak kencing. The statue is small and quite difficult to find in limited time. From what I hear, Belgium was once saved from a war because of this boy who peed onto the enemy's weapons. Katanya lah....
Ghent |
Ghent boleh juga dikenali sebagai mini Venice. There are a lot of canals in Ghent, just as pretty as the picture below. Since we only dropped by for a few minutes, we did not have the chance to actually ride a gondola to tour the city. Apparently, as can be seen from these two pictures, Ghent is one of the biggest cities in Belgium that is popular with its attraction. I don't know if you can see the top of a castle or not from the picture below. The castle is open to public for historical visit. But, I think St Donats Castle is much more amazing from that tiny castle.
Ghent 'mini Venice' |
Selamat datang ke Brugge. Brugge memang terkenal dengan coklat. If you want to have a taste on real Belgian chocolate, you should come to Brugge. But, honestly, you could even get it in Malaysia. Tapi, rasa truffle fresh tu lain sikit la. Having tried two brands of chocolate truffles, I could say Godiva is the best. We only bought two pieces of dark chocolate truffle and each piece costs 90 cent. Just imagine how expensive it would be in kg. So, I didn't buy a lot for that brand. However, I couldn't remember the brand name of chocolate I bought for 7.50 Euro.
Brugge |
This is a fountain yang aku pon tak tahu sebab musabab it erected. Tapi, seperti biasa, aku tetap jakun dan mengambil gambar di kawasan tersebut. You see the girl above? Aku pon lebih kurang macam tu la, just lagi sopan. Hehe.
Brugge |
We arrived in Brugge pon dah lewat petang. Kedai pon dah tutup. So, tak sempat la nak beli souvenirs from Brugge. Apa yang penting? Gambar buat kenangan. Kalau dah cop muka kat tempat tu pon jadi la buat tanda dah pernah sampai, kan... The above building should be a castle where the prince lives. However, due to our extra beauty, we gave an aura that no prince could take. The sun shone so bright that the prince could not see outside through his room's window. Sebab tu lah tak nampak kitorang. If not, memang confirm dah ajak dinner. LOL
Godiva chocolate 'boutique' in Brugge |
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