Monday, 26 March 2012
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Thursday, 22 March 2012
ESL 4 : Pop Brownies
Pop Brownies
- 1 cawan gula
- 125gram mentega
- 1/2 bar coklat
- 1 1/2 sudu besar serbuk koko
- 3 biji telur
- 3/4 cawan tepung. (Plain flour and self raising flour can be mixed
Cara-cara :
- Didihkan air dalam periuk. Letakkan bahan-bahan mengikut turutan di atas dalam periuk berasingan yang diletakkan di atas periuk yang berisi air mendidih tadi. Kacau sehingga sebati.
- Masukkan adunan yang telah siap dimasak dalam bekas. Letakkan bekas berisi adunan di dalam ketuhar.
- Biarkan brownies yang siap dibakar sejuk.
- Potong dan leraikan brownies kepada saiz yang kecil, bentukkan brownies menjadi bulat seperti bola.
- Celupkan pop brownies ke dalam coklat cair dan hiaskan pop brownies mengikut kreativiti anda
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Perangai bisnes
Why, bila tengok drama melayu kan, especially kalau slot Samarinda, yang citer pasal bisnes tu, mesti ade orang-orang PHD a.k.a Perasaan Hasad Dengki ni. Kenapa businessman melayu x nak bersaing dengan sihat? Kenapa perlu dengki-mendengki when tengok pesaing lagi hebat dari dorang? Haih... Kalo x 'guna-guna' kan orang tu, mesti nak bunuh ke, kenakan orang tu ke dgn any case berat.
If u believe with your ability, you surely are gonna survive well in the business. It's the time which matter. If the 'rezeki' is meant for you, it will eventually come sooner or later.
Perniagaan sepatutnya menjadi sumber rezeki paling luas jika dijalankan mengikut ketetapan syarak. Jom contohi cara Nabi Muhammad saw berniaga! If you practise integrity on a clean business and being trustworthy, of course everyone would be happy dealing business with you. Why does it seem too difficult to use clean hand? Why do you need to use short cuts on everything?
This question would never end if rasa tamak haloba dalam diri seseorang manusia itu tak padam.
Satu persoalan, sebenarnya apa cara atau pendekatan paling ideal untuk memberi pengajaran kepada manusia? Adakah trough showing the badness or only goodness? Sometimes terfikir jugak la, adakah disebabkan exposure kepada cerita-cerita yang mempunyai watak jahat yang kemudiannya ditewaskan oleh watak-watak baik mampu memberi nilai moral kepada penonton untuk mengambil iktibar?
If u believe with your ability, you surely are gonna survive well in the business. It's the time which matter. If the 'rezeki' is meant for you, it will eventually come sooner or later.
Perniagaan sepatutnya menjadi sumber rezeki paling luas jika dijalankan mengikut ketetapan syarak. Jom contohi cara Nabi Muhammad saw berniaga! If you practise integrity on a clean business and being trustworthy, of course everyone would be happy dealing business with you. Why does it seem too difficult to use clean hand? Why do you need to use short cuts on everything?
This question would never end if rasa tamak haloba dalam diri seseorang manusia itu tak padam.
"dan sesungguhnya dia sangat bakhil kerana cintanya kepada harta [100:8]"It is undeniable yang semua orang mahu hidup mewah dan senang. Tapi, to climb the tree, you also need to do something kan? Real life isn't like green magic beans yang tumbuh jadi pokok Jack and Jill as in a movie entitled Puss in Boots. Kita perlu usaha dan terus berusaha to achive our GOAL.
Satu persoalan, sebenarnya apa cara atau pendekatan paling ideal untuk memberi pengajaran kepada manusia? Adakah trough showing the badness or only goodness? Sometimes terfikir jugak la, adakah disebabkan exposure kepada cerita-cerita yang mempunyai watak jahat yang kemudiannya ditewaskan oleh watak-watak baik mampu memberi nilai moral kepada penonton untuk mengambil iktibar?
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Cliffs of Moher
King John’s Castle is a 13th century Castle on ‘King’s Island’ in the heart of medieval Limerick City. The Castle overlooks the majestic River Shannon offering wonderful views of Limerick City. Explore 800 years of history brought to life in the imaginative historical exhibition, excavated pre-Norman houses, fortifications, siege mines, and the battlement walks.
Cliffs of Moher visitor experience - Admission Fee*
*Admission includes access to all public areas including the Visitor Centre and the Exhibition. Admission ticket does not include O'Brien's Tower
Main Platform: South cliffs towards Hags Head. Ireland meets Atlantic Ocean
The secret of how the Cliffs formed... about 320 million years ago, during a time called the Upper Carboniferous period, when this area was much warmer and was situated at the mouth of a large river. the river flowed down bringing mud and sand with it, eventually formed the rock layers.
North Platform: View of O'Brien's Tower & south Cliffs
O'Brien's Tower stands proudly on a headland of the majestic Cliffs. From the Cliffs one can see the Aran Islands, Galway Bay, as well as The Twelve Pins, the Maum Turk Mountains in Connemara and Loop Head to the South.
Sea Stack
The Cliffs of Moher take their name from a ruined promontory fort “Mothar” which was demolished during the Napoleonic wars to make room for a signal tower at Hag's Head.
The Cliffs of Moher are one of Ireland's top Visitor attractions and are a designated UNESCO Geo Park. The Cliffs are 214m high at the highest point and range for 8 kilometres over the Atlantic Ocean on the western seaboard of County Clare.
The splendid, distinctive limestone terraces and pavements of this region formed over the millennia like steps of stairs as glacial action plucked layers of stone from the hillsides. These terraces are made up of thick horizontal limestone layers or beds which were first laid down in a tropical sea floor about 335 million years ago, during a geological time period called the Carboniferous.
The trademark shattered and smooth pavements of the Burren are seedbed habitats for the amazingly diverse array of plants and wildflowers. Here alpine and arctic plants grow side by side with Mediterranean species. The Burren is sometimes aptly referred to as the ‘fertile rock'.
The Burren, from the Gaelic word Boireann is an area of limestone rock covering imposing majestic mountains, and tranquil valleys with gently meandering streams. With its innate sense of spiritual peace, extraordinary array of flora and wildlife, and megalithic tombs and monuments older than Egypt's pyramids, the Burren creates a tapestry of colour and a seductively magical aura which few people leave without wanting to experience again.
Dublin city
Dublin Castle (Irish: Caisleán Bhaile Átha Cliath) off Dame Street, Dublin, Ireland, was until 1922 the seat of British rule in Ireland, and is now a major Irish government complex. Most of it dates from the 18th century, though a castle has stood on the site since the days of King John, the first Lord of Ireland. The Castle served as the seat of English, then later British government of Ireland under the Lordship of Ireland (1171–1541), the Kingdom of Ireland (1541–1800), and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (1800–1922). Upon establishment of the Irish Free State in 1922, the complex was ceremonially handed over to the newly formed Provisional Government led by Michael Collins.
Christ Church Cathedral is a cathedral church of the Church of Ireland. The Church of Ireland is a provence of the Worldwide Anglican Communion. The two primates of the province are the Most Revd Alan Harper (Armagh and Tuam) and the Most Revd Dr Michael G. St. A. Jackson (Dublin and Cashel).
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Dublinia is located in a 19th century neo-Gothic building that housed the Synod Hall of the Church Of Ireland until 1983. The building was erected on the site of an older, 17th century church of which only the bell tower survived. The tower is now part of the Dublinia museum. The building is connected with historic Christchurch Cathedral on the opposite side of St Michael's Hill via an enclosed pedestrian bridge. The museum opened its doors in 1993 and added its permanent exhibition The Viking World in 2005.
Lose yourself in Viking & Medieval Dublin. 3 exhibitions in Dublinia include Viking Dublin (explore the Viking times of Dublin, its settlement, what life is like on a Viking warship, the clothing, what it is like to be a slave, and how cramped Viking homes were), Medieval Dublin (following history from Strongbow to the Reformation, what warfare and crime/punishment was like in the times, and about the Black Death) & History Hunters Exhibition (gain insight into modern archaeological practices and current digs in the area, the technology they use, and the tools they utilize).
St Patrick’s Cathedral is named after St Partick, the patron saint of Ireland. It is said that he baptised converts in a well nearby. There has been a church on this site since the 5th century but the present building dates from 1191. In 1224 the church got cathedral status. The Cathedral was founded in 1191 and it best know for it's famous Dean Jonathan Swift from 1713 to 1747. Also most famous for performing Handel's Messiah here in 1742. Inside you will find a permanent exhibition that celebrates St Patricks life in the city.
Gino’s is owned and run by two men who have been in the ice cream business for the past 20 years. The Gino’s concept reflects the Italian ‘la dolce vita’ through our casual offering of coffees, drinks and crepes as well as our product line of artisan gelato. The shop is located at Grafton street.
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The Spire of Dublin, officially titled the Monument of Light (Irish: An Túr Solais) is a large, stainless steel, pin-like monument 121.2 metres (398 ft) in height, located on the site of the former Nelson's Pillar on O'Connell Street in Dublin, Ireland.
Temple Bar is one of the oldest areas in Dublin. It is full of bars, restaurants, and tons of people. The cobbled streets and architecture are definitely worth a wander during the day and the lively nightlife is worth a stop if that is the reason you are in Dublin.
Ha’penny bridge this bridge is one of the oldest bridges made in cast-iron structure and it was constructed in 1816. This bridge is the oldest bridge that crosses the river Liffey. The original name was Wellington Bridge but it soon became known as the Ha’penny bridge, since people had to pay half a penny to cross the bridge until the year of 1919.
Photo credit: Nicitoyou
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Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Ais krim 20 sen
Tadi, masa dalam lecture Prof Scott, tiba-tiba teringat ais krim Malaysia 20 sen, to be exact, perisa Asam Boi. aaaaaa sedapnye... macam nak makan sekarang jugak. tp mane de asam boi punye perisa kat sini. Maybe ada, tapi kena g kedai Cina la kot.
Teringat dulu, masa umur 7 tahun. Main dengan kawan-kawan. Lepas tu, ade pak cik kat c2, masa tu die ade program la kat kuaters kitorang. Kitorang nak pak cik tu belanja aiskrim 20 sen. Lepas tu, pak cik tu bg syarat. Sape tulisan paling lawa, dapat 3 batang ais krim *kira extra la dari yang lain*. Haaa guess what, tulisan aku lah yang pak cik tu pilih sebagai yang paling lawa. Weeeeee. Happy gila kot dapat ais krim lebih. Asam boi, anggur and milo. Haha.
Teringat dulu, masa umur 7 tahun. Main dengan kawan-kawan. Lepas tu, ade pak cik kat c2, masa tu die ade program la kat kuaters kitorang. Kitorang nak pak cik tu belanja aiskrim 20 sen. Lepas tu, pak cik tu bg syarat. Sape tulisan paling lawa, dapat 3 batang ais krim *kira extra la dari yang lain*. Haaa guess what, tulisan aku lah yang pak cik tu pilih sebagai yang paling lawa. Weeeeee. Happy gila kot dapat ais krim lebih. Asam boi, anggur and milo. Haha.
Saturday, 10 March 2012
Love story... @ Nunsmoor Park
Once upon a time, di suatu petang Sabtu yang damai, Nicitoyou went to a park, membawa hatinya yang lara kerana tension buat assignment. *Actually Nicitoyou x tension mana pon since dia asyik tengok movie je dari Jumaat malam. Saje exaggerate* So she sat on a bench at Nunsmoor Park. She seemed to rewind her past memories, just to appreciate sweet moments she had before getting current workload.
Tiba2, while mengelamun fikir pasal honeymoon time, she was approached by Nikon. Yeah Nikon, which dia pernah jumpa long time ago at Bamburgh Castle. Nikon duduk hujung, Nicitoyou pon duduk hujung. They seemed to be unfriendly at first. Orang kata 'baru nak start engine. X panas lagi nak start 'mengayat' '.
Then, after a while, Nicitoyou perasan lah kehadiran Nikon. Nicitoyou intai Nikon. Semakin lama semakin rapat jarak duduk antara mereka. Dalam hati Nikon, 'Yes, jerat dah mengena. I know I'm handsome. Everyone would be attracted to me. HAHAHA *evil laugh*'.
Now, Nicitoyou betul2 ada kat sebelah Nikon. Nikon tersipu2 macam pengantin atas pelamin. Nicitoyou pon sama, macam speecless. So they both said nothing to each other. Nikon cuba nak mulakan perbualan, tapi x tahu nak cakap apa as Nikon was as nervous as her.
Tunggu punya tunggu, sepatah pon x keluar. Rupa-rupanya Nikon ni bisu. Facepalm* Nicitoyou pon angkat la Nikon, she tried to interact with him and since then, start lah 'camwhoring' session Nicitoyou with Nikon. That's the only way they can be together happily ever after.
Thursday, 8 March 2012
Haha. It was funny when my old friend, Fyda asked "What's Nicitoyou?"
Well, both Nici and Me To You are brands of soft bear. So, to combine both favorite bears, then it becomes Nicitoyou. Probably the name is quite out of nowhere, but enough to convey my favoritism of bears.
My bear collection is still countable, just I don't know exactly how many are there as some are left back in Malaysia. Ones I have here are just collections of this year.
I began collecting those bears since I got the very first present from Nafuiaha; the brown bear in the middle. I called it 'Surprise' as it was a surprise gift from him. Until now and among all, Surprise is the softest and cuddly bear I love most.
Well, both Nici and Me To You are brands of soft bear. So, to combine both favorite bears, then it becomes Nicitoyou. Probably the name is quite out of nowhere, but enough to convey my favoritism of bears.
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Nici |
The grey, first from right is Me To You bear |
I began collecting those bears since I got the very first present from Nafuiaha; the brown bear in the middle. I called it 'Surprise' as it was a surprise gift from him. Until now and among all, Surprise is the softest and cuddly bear I love most.
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