Saturday 3 December 2011

Usrah 1 : Korban

I think it would be useful if I write whatever I have learnt just now here as it can be shared with the readers too. Am I right?

We started our study circle with Quran recitation, surah Al-Kahfi verse 30-45. We discussed about the meaning of our favourite verses and one of them was quite excited on sharing her thought about verse 45.
And set forth to them parable of the life of this world: like water which We send down from the cloud so the herbage of the earth becomes tangled on account of it, then it becomes dry broken into pieces which the winds scatter; and Allah is the holder of power over all things
She also linked it to a song entitled 'Pohon Hijau' sang by Brothers. Life is figured as a green tree. The green tree has its life cycle which actually configure our life cycle. When the tree is green and being showered with rain, it pictures the life of being showered with happiness and prosperity. After quite a time, the leaves fall onto the ground and being carried away by the wind which shows life at golden age.

The circle was then furthered by a topic of things we encourage to do in Zulhijjah.

Qurban fadilat. A few of the encouraged things to do are as follows:
1. Fasting
2. Takbir and Zikir
3. Performing hajj and u'mrah
4. Adding up good deeds
5. Slaughtering animals in the name of Allah (Qurban)
6. Repenting

Last thing in tentative, DINNER! ;) Everyone especially my housemates were looking forward to this final slot as our tummies were 'singing' badly before. LOL. And the menu was 'nasi tomato' a.k.a tomato rice. Here is the recipe of nasi tomato

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