Saturday, 22 January 2011

1st week of exam

Few days before the exam started

I was studying and revising the same stuffs again and again till I felt that I couldn't digest more on them. But I was scared that I might just feel that was enough but actually, in reality, it wasn't. I did something else too such as photos editing, eating, cleaning up the room to get rid of the boredom of studying. I called him and we talked for 4 hours on the phone rewinding the past memories we had along the relationship, picking up the left over memories and digging few secrets. The situation I had before the exam started was like I didn't have any exam to sit. Too 'chillex'.

I was all prepared mentally and physically. And the exam day came...

Wednesday 19th January


The paper was just fine, perfectly fine with only 6 questions, but the period given was not fine. We were given only an hour for that paper, and of course my handwriting was super horrible. I scribbled here and there, number 2 looked like z, i looked like 1. I hope I would still get a first regardless all the careless mistakes I made. Ameen.

Thursday 20th January


This paper was quite fun only with the subjective questions. I was not that confident to answer the objective question as there was option for impossible to know or lack of information. OMG. It really tested my basic. I used to study all those subjective answers, so, in my mind, was just all solutions to that particular kind of question. I did mistake by focusing only on that section. And again, I hope the marks would not be too bad, first class,Ameen...

Right after the exam was over for this week...

Maryam and me went straight to Metro centre and did some shopping. Okay, this part was fun. Sales were everywhere, we went in shop by shop, boutique by boutique, aaaaaaa melt melt seeing the price. I couldn't stop myself to shop even after making a promise to myself to stop shopping for a year. They were all tempting. Both of us went crazy. Luckily I still remembered that I've to save money and stop being wild eying. If not, I'm sure I've to start thinking of renting a ship to bring back the stuffs. (joking2). Oh, we watched Saw 3D in the evening. The movie was disgusting and stopped watching it half way and started watching korean drama entitled My Princess. That's even better. =p

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