Sunday 26 May 2013

Design project is OVER!!!

Phewwww. Alhamdulillah... The design project was over. Though I was not completely satisfied with my own performance throughout the process development, at least everything was now over and i'm left with individual enhanced design project next year to be worried of.

Our project was about hydrogen production using thermochemical cycle. The chosen cycle was copper-chlorine's that were used as intermediates to split water into oxygen and hydrogen gas. It consisted of 4 steps i.e. Hydrolysis, oxygen production, low temperature electrolysis, and hydrogen production running below 600 degree celcius with thermal efficiency exceeding 40%.

I was responsible to design a hydrogen purifier, i.e. To separate hydrogen from hydrogen chloride gas and also other impurities. At first, I insisted to carry on designing an adsorber column due to the small percentage of hydrogen chloride contained in the stream. However, post designing hydrogen production reactor found that excess hydrogen chloride was used to ensure complete reaction in the tank. Therefore adsorption technique could no longer be feasible as huge amount of adsorbent would be needed to separate almost 90mol% hydrogen chloride containing stream.

A wet scrubber which used absoprtion technique should now be used to separate a water soluble hydrogen chloride gas from hydrogen. It was found that the product stream coming out from the hydrogen production reactor contained around 5kg/h of copper chloride liquid. However, it would solidify after being cooled and separated using a cyclone that used density difference to separate between components.

I expected a question from the examiner during the presentation. However, as I told everything above to the presenter, I saw the examiner scrubbing off the meant question and did not even asked me. I did not speak a lot during the question and answer session as none of the question was related to my part of knowledge in the design. The only thing I spoke was 1.2mol%.

I hope Allah will give the best mark for us for the design project and let me to proceed MEng in September. Amin...

Saturday 11 May 2013

I once reached the level that needed me to say 'I love you Atikah M. Sukor Maryam Madzi Musfirah Mohd Asri' before doing something. I was too afraid that something would never leave me the chance to say those words to my lovely friends. Guys, if I say 'I hate you' I'm sure I don't mean it at all. Oh... that was a wonderful yet scary moments in my life. I have no fear of height, but I do have fear of falling down at any height. Wait, does it mean that I have fear of height? Now, I appreciate my time to design pump more than being in between two trees. I survived 26 medium levels of high ropes course obstacles. Yeah! Lets get back to reality. Off to MILSETONE 3!

Why did I mentioned this? Haa a week ago, we went to Beamish Wild for an outdoor activity. To be specific, aktiviti yang kitorang buat tu dinamakan HIGH ROPES COURSE. So, there were 26 obstacles that we had to go over with. Aku la orang pertama yang suggested to do this course untuk 'Teachers Day Out' session. Kononnya nak merasa thrill la. Sebab tak pernah buat, kan... Back in AC, I used to run a lot of ropes course session, but those hurdles semua x tinggi. Setakat 1m high je. High ropes course ni walaupun tak lah tinggi mana, tapi sebab x pernah buat, seram sejuk gak la.

Perjalanan dari Newcastle City Centre ke Beamish village mengambil masa selama 45 minit ke satu jam menaiki bas. Kalau nak tunggu bas berwarna coklat ke'maroon'an ni, sila berada di bus stand John Lewis dekat Eldon Square. Harga adult's return ticket is GBP 5.50 kalau tak silap. Bas ini memang dikhaskan untuk connect people to Beamish museum. Wait, what is Beamish museum? I'm not interested in going there, of course. Okay. Beamish museum is an open air live museum, bercerita tentang kehidupan masyarakat tempatan di North England. Museum ni memang sesuai dikunjungi oleh segenap lapisan masyarakat terutamanya kanak-kanak dan pelancong luar negara. Though I haven't yet been there, from my friends' review, that's the perfect place for us to spend our short weekend. Boleh naik keretapi lama pusing-pusing muzium yang sangat besar tu, tau... 

Ok, enough on Beamish museum. Now, kita concentrate on pengalaman aku di Beamish Wild. If you take the bus to reach there, korang akan berhenti di depan museum yang diceritakan tadi. So, you have to walk about 1.1 to 1.5 miles to get to the 'wild' area. Memang penat. Tapi, memandangkan dah biasa jalan kaki ulang-alik ke universiti selama setengah jam one way, setakat walking distance less than 2km tu, tak de lah terasa sangat. 

Sesampainya di Beamish wild, kami disambut oleh Abang Jamie bermata biru yang comel. Ahaks. Comel gila okay. Tapi, malangnya dia just handle registration kitorang je. Yang jadi instructor activity kitorang was Abang Steven and Abang Greg. Okay, ni gedik je nak panggil 'abang'. Padahal semua panggil nama je. Just showing some respect to elders je ni. Hehe. Cuaca ketika itu, hujan renyai-renyai, so agak sejuk jugak la. Nasib baik I was well-covered with a new AC red hoody. Yeay! Tapi, bila dah tergantung tu, shiver gak la. 

Introduction started dengan cara-cara nak handle ropes carabiner and ropes. Pe jadah plak carabiner tu? Carabiner tu benda yang korang sangkut kat harness tu la. Yang click-click tu. Dulu masa dekat AC, pakai click and screwgate. But, maybe nak senangkan peserta dekat atas pokok tu, kita guna yang click je la. The second first hurdle tu yang aku rasa paling mencabar. Sebab tu pengalaman pertama and diri yang comel genit ini masih tak biasa nak jadi tarzan, thats why sangat cuak. Berpeluh kot tahan shiver. Haha. Tapi bila dah lama-lama, though hurdles semakin mencabar, tabah kan hati and proceed dengan sangat berhati-hati la kan...

Flying fox rail tu ada a few jugak la. Tapi sebab flying fox jugak la, tangan aku hampir kena blister. Sebab? Tak cukup speed and force untuk sampai ke end point. So, aku ended up tersadai 1/4 panjang tali sebelum end point and push my body to the end sambil berpaut kat tali tu. Aih.... Bile nak meniti papan-papan and tali hurdles tu, body balance kne firm. Kalau tak, memang ke laut la kan bila angin bertiup. Sebab berat badan aku yang kurang dari 40kg ni, berhayun jugak la tali tu especially hurdles yang berpaut dari satu tali ke satu tali across one straight ropes kat bawah. Berjaya jugak lah aku dan kawan-kawan jadi tarzan terhebat di alam fantasi kami on that day. 

Bila dah habis semua cabaran, nak turun dari pokok tu bukan by climbing down the stairs. Tapi, kena turun ala-ala absailing. Menjerit aku. Bayangkan, you just have to trust on the rope, and let the gravity to pull you down. Masa mula-mula nak jatuh tu je seriau, lepas tu dah rasa okay dah. Phewww...

Perasaan gementar tu memang tak dapat nak digambarkan. Bila dah tergantung atas pokok tu la baru nak appreciate masa-masa mengira shaft power of pump untuk plant design. Seriously I felt that. Macam 'Why????? why did I suggest and insist to come here?'. And bila kat atas tu jugak la, perasaan appreciative terhadap kawan-kawan tu kuat. Tu yang keluar segala I love you, I'm sorry tu. Sebab takut tak sempat nak cakap. Drama gila aku. Haha

Pengalaman tu akan aku simpan elok-elok dalam kotak memori aku. Sungguh, aku akan merindui saat-saat gementar itu. Lastly, bila dah tamat semua nya, aku jerit I SURVIVED!!!!

Sunday 5 May 2013

GE#13 Facebook newsfeed

"If you tell the liars 10 times, if you tell the truths 10 times, it eventually becomes a fact. It's the politic in perspective."

Election ink

Everyone looks very excited with inked and uninked finger. And tak kurang hebatnya dengan excitement menghilangkan dakwat tersebut. Though I know it is not worth of investment, pelaksanaan tersebut pon berpunca dari rakyat sendiri. Okay, dont tumbuk me with your emotional comment yet. By saying rakyat, itu semua termasuk dari pihak paling atas hingga ke pihak paling bawah. Since there is no integrity from each level of society, this results in the happening situation. At least they try to make it fair though it is not a good try at all with some non appreciative people. A person may ask, why dont they use permanent marker instead? Is not it similar? Yes, it is. But, thinking of it again, if the authority decided to use only marker pen, everyone would then burst into laughter and said, okay now they would want to increase the price of a marker pen since it is trending. If a single 10 cents increament of price of a bag of rice is questionable, I assume this ink thing will be chaotic too. The permanent marker is said to be "nanti susah nak berwudhu kalau guna". That's why la they invent that PRU ink yang ada orang kata masih boleh digunakan untuk berwuduk. Tapi, semua kena ingat, if korang sental benda tu sehabis boleh, memang confirm2 la dakwat tu hilang. Logik la, dah namanya ink, and konon boleh bawa solat; cecair mana pulak la yang boleh tahan sampai bila2 kan? Plus, ramai orang akan pertikai "eleh, permanent marker tu je yang korang mampu? Duit berjuta tu pergi mana? Kenapa x de usaha untuk wujudkan PRU yang adil?" Ni semua propa je. Yang invest, kesian. Sebab ada yang tak menghargai. Tak invest nanti, kata x de usaha. Dah orang kita semua x de sikap jujur, baik yang duduk kerusi empuk, sampai la yang duduk atas tanah, sebab tu la ada nya ink magic yang x berapa nak magic tu. Okay now you will question me, "kau siapa nak cakap orang duduk atas mana x jujur? Kau nampak ke?" This is just a general idea. To those yang suka perkara sekecil semut dibesar-besarkan macam x de cerita penting lain yang nak di ceritakan, stop2 lah. Macam buat hazop analysis, if nak analyse this ink issue according to its causes, consequences, safeguards, actions required, sampai ke sudah pon x habis. You may need to think in any single way of reasoning from many perspectives to justify this. Like you, I also have my own facebook wall to say whatever I want regardless the readers. Please, this is just me talking about the ink. I'm not messing it up with other issue such as hantu 'raya' and immigrant berkulit gelap. So, if dah baca, continue scroll down the newsfeed with whatever thought and emotion you have.

A: Silver nitrate kan bind cell with high affinity, and it is toxic to cells, with respect, memang cell di jari tu akan mati. Cuma bila rejuvenate, maka luntur la dakwat tu. P/S Silver is very toxic to microbes tu. hehe
B: haaa tu diaaa.... haha right explanation... can be toxic to human too, at high concentration..
A: anyway, yg aku tahu silver nitrate mmg mahal la. So agak relevant kalau kata berjuta2 beli. Sebab 1 gram (99%) harga dia dalam 25 pound, equivalent to RM100 plus2. tapi aku tatau la berapa concetration yg digunakan untuk election ink. Cuma point aku mmg silver nitrate mahal plus dia bukan compound yg larut, tapi colloidal mixture je = maksudnya xlarut dan wujud as particles.
B: heard that 10% of agno3 concentration.. tapi baik cek dlu.. tu sbb kene goncang botol tu sbb nak larutkan dia dlu kan... yup, no wonder ah dkwt kekal menelan banyak belanja..
A: goncang tu good reason sebab kalau xgoncang those mixture akan sediment dow at the bottom. hehe, tapi aku lebih minat bab kesan terhadap microbe dan cells. hahaha. mmg otak biotek habeh.

Saya tak tahu macam mana dakwat kekal ini boleh jadi tak kekal. Saya belajar subjek Chemistry di Universiti. Saya lakukan eksperimen di dalam makmal, yang turut melibatkan penggunaan Silver Nitrate (AgNo3) sebagai bahan "staining". Saya sangat bersetuju bila SPR mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa SIlver Nitrate tak boleh dicuci dan dihilangkan. Apabila terkena Silver Nitrate, tanpa mengira keadaan basah atau kering, memang tak boleh dicuci. Dan tak perlu botol silver nitrate tu nak digoncang pun. Sebab silver nitrate dah memang larut. Sahabat saya, graduan University of Melbourne dalam Bioteknologi dengan Honors mengesahkan hal ini. Cara untuk menghilangkan Silver Nitrate ini adalah dengan mengkikis sel (Silver Nitrate meresap ke dalam sel) atau yang biasanya berlaku menunggu sel-sel ini mati yang mengambil masa sekitar 3-7 hari.

Jadi bila mana saya balik dan cuci jari saya dengan Clorox tadi saya hairan. Kenapa boleh hilang??? Apakah telah berlaku penipuan? Apakah SPR telah ditipu sebanyak RM5 juta? Siapakah pembekal dakwat ini? 

Macam mana rakyat nak percaya dengan SPR jika dakwat kekal pun tak boleh diuruskan dengan betul? Ya Tuhan! Kawan-kawan, ajak kawan-kawan, saudara-mara anda, jiran-jiran, kesemuanyalah. Keluar mengundi. Tak kira anda mahu mengundi siapa. Itu hak anda. Cuma kita nak jumlah pengundi yang tinggi untuk mengurangkan penipuan (jika ada)

Race of voters

1) The most amazing thing happened. There was a Bangla looking family lining up with us at SMK Tropicana and was making the Chinese majority of voters realy uncomfortable, not to mention suspicious. So one Ah Beng approached them and handled it quite poorly. Scolded them and asked them to sing Negaraku and then boom! The family unleashed a storm of Cantonese and Malay on this Ah Beng's ass!!! Plus their neighbours came to their defense saying they have been living here for 30 years. Good lesson to know I guess. Malayians aren't all CIMB

P.S: Fyi, CIMB is an abbreviation of Cina, India, Melayu and Bumiputra.

2) Chinese Malaysian should find some time to visit Estate Indians (technically different ethnic origin from many Urban Indians) to recognize how they really look like, before spreading Facebook messages in Mandarin, saying that Malaysia has phantom voters from Bangladesh. The estate Indians, (I've seen many of them,who i recognized as my fellow Malaysians, when i did voluntary work with MyKasih), looks similiar to alot of Bangladesh nationals. Have you been mistook for being a korean/japanese/taiwanese before my fellow Chinese Malaysians? what makes you think that you are able to tell the differences among indians?

Doesn't help that many of them couldn't speak Malay and English (as per my friend who runs an NGO called "MyIndians" that would go down to Estate to help them register for documentations Dimishtra Sittampalam).

When they come out to vote, they have the rights to vote. you have NO RIGHTs to label them as "Bangladeshi nationals" and then say that they are phantom voters.

wait till one day, some political parties stop you and claim that you're phantom voters from China/Taiwan being paid to vote, then you shall know the feeling.

Inspired by a friend, one Muthoovellu, who lives in a estate in Hulu Selangor Constituency who told me in very minimal english words that he was taken as "bangladeshi" by local chinese coffee shop gatherer and was being hurled "Balik bangla hantu" by them.

3) Kalau nampak hantu, baca ayat Kursi. Kalau nampak pengundi hantu, baling jer kerusi...


I started the day with a surge of enthusiasm. Today, I would cast my vote for the first time, and in so doing, would have a say in the coming course of our nation at what is arguably the most important crossroads of Malaysian history. The atmosphere at the polling station was filled with a sense of possibility, as waves of hopeful faces – both familiar and unfamiliar to me – populated the queues spread out across the grounds of my alma mater, Batu Pahat High School.

I was so excited that when I was getting the indelible ink brushed onto my finger, the rest of my hand was trembling in trepidation. The SPR officer even asked me, while chuckling, ‘Kenapa mengigil ya?’ 

Unfortunately, the quiet electricity with which my day had begun quickly descended into one of doubt and weariness as soon as I got home. My parents and I had voted at different polling stations, and they took no time to show me how easily they washed off the indelible ink on their fingers. To be fair, I found it more difficult to wash off mine, but a quick check of my Facebook feed showed that my parents weren’t the only ones – many other voters had found that this ink, however well-intentioned its introduction to the voting process, was not indelible at all.

Little did I know that this was only the first of a series of disappointments to come.

Over the afternoon, my Facebook feed turned ugly. Pictures and videos were posted of voters who were being accused of being ‘phantom’ voters, foreigners brought specifically to swing the election results in a certain way. It is incredibly difficult to ascertain the truth of these claims, but equally problematic to refute it when there are multiple videos of large buses offloading a stream of voters who appear to be from a similar demography. Bak kata pepatah, jika tiada angin, masakan pokok bergoyang?

The possible injustice that was being committed and shared before the world to see was saddening. But what truly broke my heart was to see how some of us (i.e. Malaysians) reacted to this – with violence, racism and xenophobia directed at the supposed foreigners. Cries of ‘Banglasia’ and ‘Balik Bangla!’ were being recklessly thrown around. 

Even if these men and women were indeed foreigners, and had been paid to do what they sought out to do today, who are we to deem ourselves judge and jury, to pass this moral sentence in a malicious condemnation of their acts? And if we are to exact our judgments, could we not have done so with a little more self-respect, and little less sound and fury? Are we not out to vote against precisely this sort of stereotyping, and the hatred that comes with it? 

We cannot become bullies driven by the same culture that has made us its very victims. We, of all people, should know better. Even where the allegations are true, even if they come at the cost of a free and fair elections today, we must not be tempted to replace one injustice with another. They, too, are victims of exploitation. Must they be victims of our misdirected abuse as well? There are other means to address these injustices – this cannot be one of them.

Mahatma Gandhi, a man who is probably far more experienced about injustice than any of us, once said, “Hate the sin, love the sinner.”

Where these injustices occur, they cannot be viewed with indifference; they must be acknowledged. Yes, we should passionately pursue justice, but not at the expense of our own principles.

However today’s events affect the outcome of these elections, we have learned that we are still some way from becoming a fully-fledged democracy. And yet there are silver linings to be found, glimmering amidst the dark clouds that hang ominously over the integrity and credibility of these elections. Never before would we have imagined seeing the rakyat waiting patiently under the rain for their turn to have their say in the future of the nation. Never before have we seen such involvement and personal investment in the affairs of the country. Whatever the outcome tomorrow, we must remember this, and work to preserve this incredible spirit in times to come.

Indeed, we are still some way from being a mature democracy. But we are getting there, one small step at a time. Today, there have been moments when the strength, depth and honesty of our aspirations were tested. As we cross into the next phase of building a better and brighter Malaysia, there will be many more of these moments. In each of them, we must be resilient in the throes of adversity, enduring in the shackles of injustice. 

That is how we will move forward – with humanity, dignity, and a steady and unshakeable commitment to our ideals.

Hidup Malaysia!

Foreigner's view

As I woke up this morning to the news of all the frauds emerging on the eve of Malaysia's election results, my thoughts are with all my Malaysian friends and families. May this day mark the birth of a new era for your country.


For BN/UMNO supporters only,

macai PR jangan bace

seriously important!!!!!

inspiring insights

reshared from a friend.

Berkaumkerabatkan keluarga yang berpengaruh Barisan Nasional, membuatkan aku rasa darah Barisan itu turut mengalir di dalam diriku.

Pabila dihentam Barisan habis-habisan, ku gagal menipu, hatiku sedikit terguris sungguhpun apa yang dihentam itu ada kebenaran.

Tergurisnya hatiku ini dek laras bahasa yang kasar.
Tergurisnya juga hatiku ini dek kebenaran yang disorokkan oleh Barisan.

Aku yakin tidak semua orang yang menghentam itu sama caranya, begitu juga tentang Barisan - tidak adil dipukul sama rata.

Hancurnya hati ini dengan realiti, sumpah Tuhan sahaja yang mengerti.
Dilemmaku hampir memutuskan harapan. Adakah apa yang dipegangi oleh kerabutku selama ini dusta ?

Oh Tuhan ku masih tidak putus harapan,
Ku yakin Barisan punyai masa depan.

Namun bukan kali ini, sayang.

Kalau ku ikutkan kasihannya hati, mahu kupangkah Barisan.
Kalau ku ikutkan warasnya akal, pasti ku pangkah Pakatan.

Hatiku bersama Barisan, namun akalku bersama Pakatan.

Aku percaya masa hadapan dan perjuangan Barisan akan lebih cerah dan suci pabila dapat ditumbangkan.

Kerajaan itu bukan milik Barisan, kerajaan itu adalah milik rakyat !

Ini kalilah!

Media coverage

1) Sonang yo jang...SPR dn sumo yg ado kaitan dongan PRU mesti adil..tu yo haa..
Contoh : RTM boghi 10 minit yo kek pembangkang..dio eh 24 jam.
RTM bukan hak parti..hak rakyat..hak pembayar cukai..
Parti yg memerintah cumo jadi pomogang amanah yo.
Kalau dio kalah parti lain pulak jadi pomogang amanah...tu yo haaa.
Agak2 eh lah nak tak kalau dio pulak jadi pembangkang dilayan macam pembangkang sekarang ni?

rakyat pembayar cukai..jadi 
kono adillah..tu yo jang..



Time's up.

Siapa pun yang menang, wajib untuk rakyat taat ''sami'na wa ata'na'' since kita pilih secara syura(consensus).

Siapa pun yang menang, wajib bagi pemimpin yang menang tu melayan rakyat secara adil tanpa mengira parti mana (luarannya) dia pasal pemimpin rakyat bukanlah pemimpin parti sahaja.

(kte pun xtau org betul2 vote ape anyway)


In need of some entertainment? Ask BN to cut the power and then conjure votes from thin air. Feeling lonely? Why not ask BN to find you some bangla friends. Need some institutionalised brainwashing? Then BN is the right person to go to. Defies the laws of physics, rationality, morality and EVERYTHING WE MALAYSIANS BELIEVE IN. AND THEY MAKE US STUDY MORAL IN SCHOOL. SICK TO MY STOMACH.


Let's keep calm and say "alhamdulillah".

Evil will not perish till the end of time. For without evil, good men will have no struggle to fight. :) Time to be consistent in fighting for justice and a better Malaysia for all. And the divine force will always be with justice.

Sabar, loves, sabar.


"Why are all my Malaysian friends using black color profile picture?"

- Our "democracy" is having a blackout period.


Let's not be as petty as asking Queen Elizabeth or Obama to take over our beloved country just because of disatisfaction upon the conduct of our polling system. Take it as a challenge to better ourselves to help our country to be better, we are young educated Malaysians with long years ahead of us.

All of us want a better Malaysia, regardless of sides. Let's be more vigilant and proactive citizens instead of keyboard warriors. This is our country, take this as a new beginning and work together for a better Malaysia.


Jgn lah main sebar fitnah & dosa je.
Tanpa usul periksa.

Berkenaan dgn blackout, saya rasa semua pemerhati parti berada di tempat kejadian. Tidak mungkin pemerhati drpd parti masing-masing berdiam diri sahaja semasa kejadian tersebut.

Berkenaan dgn pengundi hantu.
Kalau BN nak menang besar, saya rasa jumlah yg agak besar harus dibawa masok ke tempat undi utk mengundi.

Berkenaan dgn kotak undi.
Awk tahu tak pegawai-pegawai polis & pegawai yg bertugas & undi pos drpd rakyat yg berada di luar negara yg sedang dibawa masuk?
Fakta,kesemua undi pos & undi awal oleh pegawai yg akan bertugas semasa hari undi 'hanya' di bawa masuk ke SPR pada hari yg sama seperti undian yg dibuat pd hari ini?
Undian awal tidak bermakna kertas undi itu dibawa masuk awal utk SPR kira.

Adakah logik semua 'magic' ini?
Saya berpendapat bahawa jika BN mahukan kemenangan sebesar ini, hampir kesemua tempat perlu blackout utk 'magic' ini berkesan. BN perlukan lebih drpd 1000++ pengundi hantu di semua kawasan yg mereka menang. Anda nampak tak ramai warga asing mengundi?

Perbezaan lebih drpd separuh itu sgtlah besar.
Anda pasti jika BN buat semua perkara yg anda tuduh itu mereka akan dpt undian majoriti?

Seterusnya sy ingin mengingatkan bahawa kita tidak seharusnya percaya bulat-bulat akan semua informasi yg berada di laman web terutamanya di sini (facebook)

sebaik-baik perancangan manusia,hebat lg perancangan Allah.

Allah tahu yg terbaik utk semua mahkluknya.

Sy tidak cakap BN itu baik, Pakatan itu salah.
Kita berckp tentang fakta & bukannya auta.
Jgnlah sewenang-wenangnya memfitnah sesuatu pihak & 'share' dosa anda pada semua.

Jika BN pihak yg salah.
Jgn risau,Allah maha adil.
Kesemuanya akan dihukum di akhirat kelak.

Tak sokong PAS tidak mengapa asalkan jgn menghina ulama
Tak sokong PKR tidak mengapa asalkan jgn burukkan pemimpin
Tak sokong BN tidak mengapa asalkan kita hormat PM

Anda boleh maki hamun sy, siapalah sy. Sy tidaklah sealim mana. Tp sebagai org islam. Tidak elok utk kita bersangka buruk & menyebar fitnah

Assalamualaikum :)