Thursday 11 September 2014

Soalan UPSR 2014 bocor?

Percaya atau tidak hal ini bukanlah satu fenomena yang baru. Perkara ni bahkan menjadi tidak asing kepada setiap penuntut di Sekolah Berasrama Penuh (SBP) dimana soalan SPM pernah bocor pada tahun 2007, yakni tahun aku masih bergelar pelajar sekolah menengah. Akan tetapi, aku masih kabur tentang definisi bocor yang sedang berlaku ketika ini. Ketika zamanku dahulu, soalan-soalan 'spot' ini akan tersebar melalui telefon bimbit para pelajar. Pelajar dari SBP akan bertukar-tukar soalan 'spot' so, everyone in the each SBP would have a bunch of spotted questions and re-revised those topics. We were able to do that because of the teachers we had in SBP. Most of them were the 'Guru Cemerlang' in different subjects who scheme the exam papers. So, for the sake of excellencing their own schools, of course they would convey or give hints to the students. How accurate the spotted question was, no one would ever question it or even raise it to the invigilators. Why should we? That was our judgement by that time.

But, thinking of it again, yes, integrity problem was issued. But, it was not a fatal incident. It was just coincidence that the hints given by the school teachers were up as questions on that year. And, our networking among SBP colleagues were just fine that we were able to gather and circulate those hints among us. One fact that you have to know is, every year, for each subject, several set of exam papers will be prepared. The questions are revised by several panels so that the difficulty level is averaged.

I think, one advice and lesson learnt to be given to the teachers out there is, never reveal or give hints to primary school students. They would just make things worse like what is happening now. We know that the nature of children is to be clear and straight forward. They won't lie. So, if they once had seen the questions, they might be able to say to the invigilators that they have done this. But, re-thinking of it again, good invigilators would say that that is because of your continuous and repetitious revision. Well, I don't think invigilators would even care. Are they? They are also teachers back in their own teaching schools.

Tetapi, adilkah peperiksaan ini diulang semula oleh semua calon UPSR di seluruh negara? Aku pasti ramai ibu bapa telah memohon cuti tahunan untuk meraikan 'kemerdekaan' anak-anak mereka. Re-scheduling or postponing the exam dates for new papers is just wasteful. Thousands of logistic matter have to be re-arranged. Printing papers, allowance for invigilators, transportation to distribute the new papers and the list goes on. All of these are surely involving money and energy of people who are responsible for the syndicate.

Whatever it is, I hope the children could bear this and perform well till the end. Good luck!

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